Projekty międzynarodowe

Upgrading of low-quality iron ores and mill scale with low carbon (TransZeroWaste)

Upgrading of low-quality iron ores and mill scale with low carbon


Okres realizacji: 01.12.2022 – 30.11.2026

Dofinansowanie dla Łukasiewicz-GIT: 1 557 244,00 zł

Całkowity budżet projektu: 28 522 424,00 zł

Agencja wykonawcza: Komisja Europejska (EHDEA)

Nazwa programu: Horyzont Europa


  1. Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
  2. Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas
  3. Aktien-Gesellschaft der Dillinger Huttenwerke
  4. Compania Espanola de Laminacion SL
  5. ESTEP Plateforme Technologique Europeenne de l’Acier
  6. Innceinnmat SL
  7. Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade
  8. K1-MET GMbH, Proigmenes Erevnitikes & Diahiristikes Efarmoges
  9. Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Górnośląski Instytut Technologiczny
  10. Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, VDEH-Betriebsforschungsinstitut GMbH

Kierownik projektu:

dr hab. inż. Marian Niesler
Tel.: 32 2345 291

Cel projektu:

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

The growing demand for high quality iron ores and scrap, as well as the abandonment of carbon-intensive sintering in the future, require novel technological approaches for upgrading low-grade iron ores and recycling of mill scale.

TransZeroWaste will apply hydrometallurgy for mill scale de-oiling and use this iron-rich scrap equivalent to upgrade low-grade iron ores. For that, TransZeroWaste will develop low carbon technologies such as cold pelletising and briquetting, hot microwave pelletising, and magnet-supported hydrometallurgy from TRL 6 to TRL8. The developed technologies will be transferable to further material flows such as dusts and sludges.

On the European level, the expected impact will be the potential upgrade of over 18 million t/a low-grade iron ore, up to 6 million t/a mill scale and 3 million t/a pellet sieving residue. The total impact of TransZeroWaste will include upgrading 27 million t/a materials with low carbon technologies and avoiding of corresponding sinter plant carbon footprint of 4.3 – 9.9 MtCO2/a.

The technological competences and know-how are owned by the participating partners from the applied research. They will be developed and transferred to the two industrial partners with 9 production sites.

Thoroughly planned dissemination and exploitation activities will ensure effective implementation of technologies after the project end. Life cycle assessment and economic evaluation will be performed; sustainable business models will be developed. Furthermore, a decision support platform for industrial users will be installed. In combination with workshops and trainings, it will help to find and implement the best upgrading technology for various low-grade materials considering environmental and economic aspect. TransZeroWaste will serve as a vehicle for the transition of the European steel industry to a carbon-free zero-waste future.

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