Projekty międzynarodowe

Development of a SMART system integrating automatic/robotic hybrid WELDing technologies, digital-twin-assisted quality monitoring, and WPS predictive tool (SMARTWELD)

Development of a SMART system integrating automatic/robotic hybrid WELDing technologies, digital-twin-assisted quality monitoring, and WPS predictive tool


Okres realizacji: 01.07.2023 – 31.12.2026

Dofinansowanie dla Łukasiewicz-GIT: 1 191 753,13 zł

Całkowity budżet projektu: 15 378 971,88 zł

Agencja wykonawcza: Komisja Europejska (EHDEA)

Nazwa programu: Fundusz Badawczy Węgla i Stali


  2. Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Górnośląski Instytut Technologiczny
  3. Politechnika Śląska
  4. JT S.A.

Kierownik projektu:

dr inż. Marek Węglowski
Tel.: 32 33 58 236

Cel projektu:

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

The SMARTWELD Project aims to develop new, smart, efficient, and eco-friendly welding processes. Steel industry emissions must be reduced by at least 55% within 2030 to contribute to the European Green Deal’s final goal of making EU carbon-neutral by 2050. The most promising mitigation approach to tackle the problem is the combination of material efficiency and hydrogen transition, capable to reduce direct emissions by 48%. In the present scenario, a crucial role in this mitigation approach can be played by new, more efficient welding processes. No commercial product is available, although literature points to hybrid PAW+MAG, LBW+MAG as state-of-the-art efficient process for pipeline welding.

SMARTWELD’s ambition is to fill this gap by developing, validating, and diffusing an integrated welding system expected to reduce machining time by 15%, reduce filler metal/flux by 25%, reduce the use of energy and shielding gas by 15%, improve productivity by 33%, decrease repairing activity by 15%, and decrease residual stresses by 15%.

The system will consist of (1) new robotised/automated hybrid welding technologies, (2) digital-twin-assisted online quality monitoring systems, and (3) a predictive tool – providing efficient, eco-friendly welding processes. It will be accomplished by validating those integrated technologies at TRL5 within the Project timeframe and planning to reach the market within 5 years after the end of the Project. First, a specific business case (i.e., [U]HSS pipes) will be considered, then transferability of results to other relevant areas where welding is crucial, such as hydrogen steels and structural steels, will be assessed.

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